Improv Etc. creates innovative workshops offering a fun and creative environment in which to learn and practice fresh approaches to
the specific needs of organizations. Workshops are tailored to meet your organization's needs, including:
Enhancing presentation
Improving communication
Creative risk taking
Diversity training
Building rapport and trust
Fostering collaboration
Increasing employee
Team building
Boosting confidence
Through fun, games and laughter participants learn and practice various improvisation
skills which can be applied to both their professional and personal lives. Many participants report feeling more comfortable,
connected and spontaneous both in front of an audience and in interpersonal relationships.
Corporate Training
Corporate Events/Outings
School Occassions
Private Events
Workshops can be ongoing, intensive or one time. You can select any combination of the workshops below or requestcustom workshops to meet the needs of your organization. Private coaching available for individuals who would like to strengthen their
presentation, performance and communication skills.
"I continue to use many of the things I learned in your work-shops in my everyday life. I think improv should be man-datory training
in schools and corporations. Who couldn't benefit from learning improv?"
-Jenny Pu
"Susan's classes are well structured and fun and she is incredibly caring and respect-ful. You will always feel guided and supported. Working
for a software company, I often lead presentations for large groups. The techniques I learned in Susan's workshops have
made my presentations more interest-ing and exciting without sacri-ficing quality of content."
--Michael Fiorito
Corporate Territory
MIcrosoft Corporation
"I was instantly brought back to the joys of childhood when expression was honest, enjoy-able and without judgement... As a result
I found myself less judgemental in my professional and personal life."
-- Michael Frett
Former Deputy District Attorney
KIngs County
DA's Office
2013 Creek Award Winner
(for Best Improv)